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Scott Barton Posted - 03 Apr 2010 : 01:41:59
Hello everybody

My name is Scott and i am the Chairman of the International MR2 Owners Club, UK region.
One of my ambitions is to promote relations bewteen all the MR2 clubs in the country's different so I though i would join up here and say hello!

If a member of your admin team could contact me i would very much appreciate it. I would like to discuss adding a link to your club from www.mr2.it IMOC-UK so all of our members could become connected?
I hope to speak with someone soon to get this in place.

The car i drive is a Rev3 MR2, running at 374bhp. I have owned it for over 8 years now!

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Wester13 Posted - 27 Aug 2011 : 14:00:59
It would be great to see some of European cousins there!!!

Motoko Posted - 04 Apr 2010 : 15:13:46
wow it's look awsome!
Scott Barton Posted - 03 Apr 2010 : 22:16:17
Yes 374bhp...it helps when you have a bigger Turbo and also Nitrous. ;-)

One of my ambitions as Chairman of the International MR2 Owners Club, is to bring people together.
There is a big Japanese car show called JAE (Japanese Auto Extravaganza) that we attend as a club. We have the UK Mk3 Roadster Owners Club and also the MR2 Mk1 club join us in what we call 'MR2 Village'. It would be great to see some of European cousins there!!!
Here is a couple of pics from last year.

And there are plenty more pictures here as well...

So what do you think? Can i tempt anyone to come? ;-)
Its a full 3 day event.
alex82 Posted - 03 Apr 2010 : 01:56:39
374 bhp??!! I think you'll find lots of friends here in this hell!!

Hello Scott, so happy to see your post! In this club you'll find some owner of the Mk2 version... maybe you can help them giving some cheats to improve performance!!

Hope to see you soon in any parts of europe!!

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