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 Invitation 5th Dutch MR2

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jekel Posted - 17 Aug 2012 : 10:13:51
Dear MR2 friends,
from the 5th till the 7th of October Toyota MR2 Club Nederland invites you for the 5th Dutch MR2 Weekend.

The Dutch MR2 Weekend will again be about ‘gemütlichkeit’ with each other and our MR2. The kick off is on Friday at 20:30 with a drink in a separate hall of the hotel. You can check in at the hotel as of 15:00.

On Saturday morning we will start with a nice breakfast. After breakfast, a day with fun and several activities await us. Of course lunch is included. In the evening we will be having a nice diner together, followed by a night of fun and laughter.

Sundaymorning we will be starting with a nice breakfast again. After that we will have a short tour to the final activity. At approximately 13:00 the weekend will be ending.

The costs of this weekend in the province ‘Noord Brabant’ including all activities, breakfast (on Satuday and Sunday), lunch (Saturday), two overnight stays (Friday and Saturday), the diner with drinks from 19:00 til 23:00 hour on Saturday, amounts to € 140 per person included tourist tax per person per night. For a one-person room € 50 extra is charged.

Sign on:
The weekend and the hotel can only be booked with Raphael Jekel. E-mail raphael@mr2.nl or telephone number 0031-6-20482611. The payment has to be done to our clubaccount:

Toyota MR2 Club Nederland
ING Bank accountnumber: 6315958
IBAN: NL39INGB0006315958
Zwaag, the Netherlands
Please mention that the payment is regarding The 5th Dutch MR2 Meeting.
Your reservation is not finalized until we have received the payment!

You will receive the information of the exact location a few weeks before the weekend.

We are looking forward to seeing you.

Raphael Jekel, President of the Dutch MR2 Club

Photos 2010: http://www.mr2.nl/meetings/2010/14-mr2weekend/weekend-1.htm
Photos 2011: http://www.mr2.nl/forum/showthread.php?t=9118&page=10
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fencil Posted - 02 Aug 2018 : 17:16:02
Does this club still exist btw? I just realized it's in my area.
Jekel Posted - 08 Sep 2012 : 10:06:58
Registration can take up to 15 September 2012

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